Moondog 2A
Shooting sports and gear reviews by Moondog Industries
Feyachi S27 fiber optic flip up iron sights Install and Review
Feyachi sent me a set of their S27 fiber optic enhanced backup iron sights to test and evaluate.
Feyachi V30 Red Dot Review
Feyachi sent me their V30 2MOA Red Dot to test out. It has premium features like motion-sensing auto-activation and auto-shut-off after 1hr. It comes with a low rise and 0.83 co-witness mounts.
Feyachi FL22 Taclight with M-Lok mount
Picked this up on Amazon.com for about $40. Bright 1200 lumen light, water-resistant, solid M-lok mount, and pressure switch. Perfect for CQB airsoft or your Mall-Ninja needs.
Feyachi TM-20 Magnetic Tactical Vest
A review video of the Feyachi Magnetic Quick Release Tactical Vest sponsored by Aura. Stop leaving yourself vulnerable to data breaches.
Feyachi WL25 Flashlight Review
The WL25 tactical flashlight was sent to me to test and evaluate.
Feyachi B13 M-Lok Bipod Review
This is a review of the Feyachi B13 which is a a Harris-style bipod which attaches directly to an AR-style M-Lok handguard with an octagonal free float design. Feyachi sent me this bipod for this test and evaluation.